
NEW - 5 & 10-user

- Four new plot types: Double X, Double XY, Step, and Function (plot a formula).
- Creating Histograms has been simplified.
- Color and thickness of error bars can now be specified independently of the variable settings.
- Twelve new plot symbols.
- Rulers and grids can be displayed to align plot, text, and graphics.
- Default attributes for equation labels now apply to tables for General and Polynomial fits.
- Bar plots with a log scale can use any value as a baseline.
- Objects can be duplicated by pressing Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) and dragging the object.
- Column frame color can now be the same as the variable color.
The Zoom Selection tool can be used to rescale the X2 and Y2 axes in Double Y, Double X, and Double XY plots.
- Rulers and grids can be displayed to align plots, text and graphics.
- New zoom settings: 125, 150, and 300%..
- Duplicate objects by pressing Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) and dragging the object.
- Fully-stylized text labels simplify your work.
- Set offsets for superscripts and subscripts independently.
- Improved method for setting text defaults.
- Text labels - up to 2000 characters.
- Data window now supports up to 1000 columns and 1 million rows (memory permitting).
- Excel 97, 98, and 2000 files can now be opened directly.
- New Student-t command added to perform t-tests (one sample, paired, and independent).
- DDE client support (data windows only) added to the Windows version.
- Added support for y/m/d date format.
- New data windows are created with 10 columns and 100 rows.
- Text cells in the data window can now contain up to 50 characters.
- Maximum column width increased to 60 characters.
- Added command to close all data windows at once.
- Default date format can now be set for data imported from another application.
- Curve fit line values or residuals can be copied into the data window.
- Over 100 industry-specific curve fit definitions added for use with the General curve fit.
- OLE server support (plot windows only) added to the Windows version.
- GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and Windows Bitmap files can be imported or exported. EPS files can be exported using printer driver.
- Bitmaps (DIB format) can be pasted from the Clipboard in the Windows version.
- White space can be minimized when exporting a plot or layout.
- Online help completely redesigned.
- Added shortcut menus (accessed by right-clicking under Windows or by pressing Control and clicking on Mac).
- Button bar added to the Windows version.
- Windowing date entry added for Y2K. Two-digit years less than 40 are displayed as 0xx.
- Recent Files command (File menu) lists the last 8 data or plot files accessed.
- Windows file name extensions can be appended when saving files from the Macintosh version.
- Add one or more columns to the data window via Column Format dialog.
- Plots are no longer hidden when a new plot is created.
- #CLOSE/OPT and #SAVE commands have been added.
- New options added to the commands: #METAFILE/OPT, #PICT/OPT, and #SCRIPT.
- Integer, error function, complimentary error function, fraction, and difference commands added to Functions menu.
- Factorial operator (!) added to the Operators menu.
- New commands: factorial, difference, error function, and complimentary error function.
Requirements |